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Beryl's lingering impacts to reach southern Ontario and Quebec this week -

Galway is getting a multiplex recreational facility with ice rink and curling

Galway is getting a multiplex recreational facility with ice rink and curling
Galway is getting a multiplex recreational facility with ice rink and curling

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الجمعة 5 يوليو 2024 01:06 مساءً

Plans are underway for a new sporting complex with ice rink and curling sheets in the west end St. John's neigbourhood of Galway, the provincial government announced Friday.

In a press release late Friday morning, the Tourism, Culture Arts and Recreation Department said it has issued a request for proposals for the facility's design.

Premier Andrew Furey says $500,000 had been earmarked in the recent budget for the design of a new provincial multiplex provincial recreational facility in Galway.

"Our vision for this multiplex is a facility that provides multiple sporting surfaces, including new ice space," Furey said in the statement.

Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation Minister Steve Crocker says the new facility will be a great addition to the province's sports and recreation infrastructure.

"It will give Newfoundland and Labrador the ability to host regional and national sporting events — something that we are currently lacking capacity for — bringing benefits to our tourism and hospitality industry," said Crocker in the statement.

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