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Bear attack on 2 hikers in Waterton Lakes National Park triggers trail closures

Bear attack on 2 hikers in Waterton Lakes National Park triggers trail closures
Bear attack on 2 hikers in Waterton Lakes National Park triggers trail closures

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأربعاء 12 يونيو 2024 03:59 مساءً

Parks Canada has issued an area closure notice in Waterton Lakes National Park after two people were attacked by a bear.

The two hikers were scrambling up Ruby Ridge from Crandell Lake on Tuesday at about 2 p.m. when they encountered the bear, Parks Canada said in a statement.

"The bear charged the pair and both individuals were injured in the attack. Bear spray was deployed and the bear disengaged, allowing the pair to leave the area," the release said.

The pair were able to hike out and were taken by ambulance to a hospital in southern Alberta in stable condition.

Officials have not yet located the bear and it's not known what type of bear it was.

The incident prompted Parks Canada to close several trail and camping areas near the site of the attack.

The closure includes:

  • Crandell Lake trail, all sections.

  • Lineham trail.

  • Crandell Lake backcountry campground.

  • Former Crandell Mountain campground area.

  • Canyon Church Camp area.

  • Adjacent backcountry areas including Crandell Mountain and Ruby Ridge.

Parks Canada is still investigating the incident.

Waterton Lakes National Park is about 200 kilometres south of Calgary.

A map indicates areas in Waterton Lakes National Park closed following a bear attack.

A map indicates the area in Waterton Lakes National Park closed following a bear attack on Tuesday. (Parks Canada )

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