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RCMP charges one of its own in Moncton with crimes against a child

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الاثنين 10 يونيو 2024 04:27 مساءً

The RCMP charged an unnamed officer in Moncton on Monday for alleged crimes against a child in the Shediac area in April.   (RCMP - image credit)

The RCMP charged an unnamed officer in Moncton on Monday for alleged crimes against a child in the Shediac area in April. (RCMP - image credit)

The RCMP have charged one of their officers with criminal offences against a child following an investigation by the Serious Incident Response Team.

According to a news release from SIRT, the officer was charged on Monday "under Part V (five) of the Criminal Code."

The heading on that section of the criminal code is "sexual offences, public morals and disorderly conduct."

The release also said SIRT worked with the RCMP's Integrated Child Exploitation unit and Digital Forensic Services.

When reached by phone Monday afternoon, SIRT director Erin Nauss said the officer was stationed in Shediac at the time of the alleged offences, but is now working outside New Brunswick.

She also confirmed that the complainant is a child and that the offences are alleged to have occurred "at or near Shediac" between April 24 and 29.

Erin Nauss, director of the Serious Incident Response Team, also known as SIRT.

Erin Nauss, director of the Serious Incident Response Team, also known as SIRT.

Erin Nauss, director of the Serious Incident Response Team, also known as SIRT. (Submitted by Erin Nauss)

Nauss declined to provide any more details, saying it is important to protect the integrity of the investigation and court process.

The RCMP in New Brunswick were asked to provide information about the officer's employment status, but have not responded to the request.

SIRT is responsible for investigating all matters that involve death, serious injury, sexual assault and intimate partner violence or other matters of a public interest that may have arisen from the actions of a police officer.

The Nova Scotia-based response team investigates incidents in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, where they opened an office in Marysville Place in Fredericton last October.

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