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Freeland announces $11.34M for Toronto community hub

Freeland announces $11.34M for Toronto community hub
Freeland announces $11.34M for Toronto community hub

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأحد 2 يونيو 2024 05:13 مساءً

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland says the federal government will invest $11.34 million in a Black-led community hub in Toronto.

Speaking at a news conference on Sunday, Freeland said the money will go toward the Blackhurst Cultural Centre, a non-profit organization in Mirvish Village. The centre says it provides visitors with the opportunity to experience the culture and history of Canadians of African and Caribbean ancestry.

Freeland said the money will be used to enable the centre to expand its role as as hub for Black culture and history in Toronto.

"Today's investment is about ensuring Toronto remains a culturally vibrant city for generations to come," Freeland said in a news release on Sunday.

"This investment to create new spaces for Black artists to cultivate and showcase their talents is just one example of how our government is helping revitalize communities across the country and helping Canadians connect with their neighbours."

The deputy prime minister said $7.84 million will come from the federal government's Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program, while $3.5 million will come from Canadian Heritage's Canada Cultural Spaces Fund. Toronto is expected to contribute $2.78 million. The centre will receive a total of $14.12 million from both levels of government.

Marci Ien, minister for women and gender equality and youth and MP for Toronto Centre, and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow are at the announcement.

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