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N.L., federal governments announce $78M for seniors' health care

N.L., federal governments announce $78M for seniors' health care
N.L., federal governments announce $78M for seniors' health care

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الثلاثاء 21 مايو 2024 05:48 مساءً

“Nothing’s possible without care workers. They do the work that lets us go to work,” said Seamus O'Regan, at the announcement of federal funding to support senior's health care in NL

“Nothing’s possible without care workers. They do the work that lets us go to work,” said Seamus O'Regan, at the announcement of federal funding to support senior's health care in NL

Federal Seniors Minister Seamus O'Regan says money announced Tuesday for seniors' care will be help ensure workers are there to support seniors aging with dignity. (CBC)

The Newfoundland and Labrador government says it has reached a deal with the federal government for $78 million over the next five years for seniors' health care.

Some of the federal funding, announced Tuesday at a news conference in St. John's, will go toward a wage increase for personal-care workers, who provide assistance and companionship to seniors in their homes.

"Nothing's possible without care workers. They do the work that lets us go to work," said Seniors Minister Seamus O'Regan at Tuesday's news conference.

The provincial government says there are about 1,500 personal-support workers in the province but couldn't say how much of the $78 million will go toward wage increases. Provincial Health Minister Tom Osborne says the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees, which represents the workers, has a new contract that includes an increase to wages but is waiting on ratification from the workers. Once the agreement is ratified, details will be announced.

Osborne noted Tuesday the province's population is aging but there's a shortage of workers.

"Staffing is something that we work to diligently to retain," he said. "It's really important that we have good workers that are well paid and satisfied."

The funding announced Tuesday is in addition to the $256 million of federal funding allocated to improving the overall health of the province over three years.

Home-first model

The provincial government says Tuesday's funding will help support a home-first model for seniors' care.

"That plan will allow us to help seniors in the province age with dignity, to age in their own homes," Osborne said.

Bishops Gardens offers an adult day program for seniors who are living at home.

Bishops Gardens offers an adult day program for seniors who are living at home.

Tuesday's funding announcement took place at Bishops Gardens, which offers an adult day program for seniors who are living at home. (CBC)

The announcement was made at Bishops Gardens Seniors Living, which offers an adult day program in which caregivers can bring seniors living at home for additional support.

"We've known for a long time that aging at home is actually more economical, but it requires a new model," said O'Regan, who acknowledged that many seniors who are brought into long-term care facilities may prefer to stay at home.

"It's important that we open beds throughout the province. So initiatives such as the adult day program that's happening here will help keep somebody out of long-term care," said Osborne.

Other targets for the funding announced Tuesday include:

  • The hiring of more clinical staff to increase access to home and community care.

  • A new 10-bed community hospice in Grand Falls-Windsor.

  • A geriatric medicine fellowship at Memorial University.

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