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1 year after Nathan went missing in Toronto, family holds out hope he'll come home

1 year after Nathan went missing in Toronto, family holds out hope he'll come home
1 year after Nathan went missing in Toronto, family holds out hope he'll come home

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأحد 12 مايو 2024 05:13 صباحاً

The family of a man named Nathan continue to hold out hope as they mark the first anniversary of the day he went missing in Toronto.

Nathan, 38, has Down syndrome. He grew up in Waterloo region and has been missing since May 12, 2023. He was last seen around 7 p.m. in the area of Jane Street and Sheppard Avenue W. in Toronto. His cellphone and wallet were left at home.

There have been no confirmed sightings of Nathan since he went missing.

Nathan's cousin, Jason Babcock of Kitchener, told CBC News there have been "struggles and a lot of stress" for the family lately, but they are still hopeful that Nathan will be found alive.

"The family is in counselling right now and trying to get some help to cope with everything going on," Babcock said.

Small ceremony held to mark anniversary

To mark the one-year anniversary, family members gathered at Woodside Bible Fellowship Church in Elmira on Saturday to hold a ceremony for Nathan "and to keep our hopes alive."

The family is appealing to anyone who knows something to contact police.

"We just want an answer. That's all we want. We don't care that you've done this or anything. We aren't out there to get anybody in trouble," Babcock said.

"We'd just like him back and we'd like to know what happened to him. It's nice weather now. The trees are starting to bud, the flowers are coming out, everybody's taking hikes out, on the golf courses. Wherever you are, if you're in a bushed area, walk and whatever, keep your eyes peeled."

He said Nathan could be anywhere, including in Toronto or Waterloo region, or places in between like Milton or the Kelso Conservation Area.

"Wherever you're walking, just pay attention in the bush for any kind of disruption that could be there in case he's in a bush or anything. If you see somebody that looks like him, ask if it's Nathan and he'll more than likely talk to you about sports teams," Babcock added.

A missing person poster giving information about 37-year-old Nathan, who has been missing since May 12, has been tapped to a pole at the bus station in downtown Guelph.

A missing person poster giving information about 37-year-old Nathan, who has been missing since May 12, has been tapped to a pole at the bus station in downtown Guelph.

A missing person poster giving information about Nathan, who has been missing since May 12, 2023, has been tapped to a pole at the bus station in downtown Guelph. (Ieva Lucs/CBC)

Toronto police say they will be sharing information about Nathan on their social media platforms on Sunday with the goal of keeping his story in people's minds.

"We are still requesting anyone with information about Nathan's disappearance or possible sightings to contact our unit directly or through Crime Stoppers," media relations officer Const. Shannon Eames wrote in an email.

Babcock says he wants Nathan to know that he is loved and his family wants him back home.

"We're not angry with anybody or if anybody is involved in this. We just want the answers, we just want to know why and how. That's all we want to know," he said.

He also had a message for Nathan: "Nate, we love you, we miss you, we miss your laugh. Just come home and nobody's angry and you'll have a nice warm bed to sleep in and stay with us."

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