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Ex-central banker Carney backs Trudeau to lead Liberals in Canada's next election

Ex-central banker Carney backs Trudeau to lead Liberals in Canada's next election
Ex-central banker Carney backs Trudeau to lead Liberals in Canada's next election

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأحد 28 يناير 2024 02:39 مساءً

(Reuters) - Former central bank Governor Mark Carney on Sunday said he supported Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leading the Liberal Party into the next federal election, quashing speculation that Carney would mount his own leadership bid.

Canada will hold an election by the end of 2025 and current polling suggests the Liberals would be clobbered by the opposition Conservatives if the vote were held today, fuelling speculation the Liberals may look to replace Trudeau after nearly nine years as prime minister.

Last week, Liberal lawmaker Ken McDonald called for a leadership review in an interview, before walking back his comments.

Carney, a former Bank of England and Bank of Canada governor, has been touted as a potential successor and in November said he had not ruled out a future leadership run.

However, in an interview with Canadian broadcaster CTV on Sunday, Carney said he backed Trudeau.

"In the near term, the prime minister is going to be the leader of the Liberal Party in the next election...and I support him," Carney said.

The prime minister's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

(Reporting by Nia Williams in British Columbia; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)

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