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Peel police launch hotline as South Asian businesses targeted for extortion

Peel police launch hotline as South Asian businesses targeted for extortion
Peel police launch hotline as South Asian businesses targeted for extortion

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الاثنين 8 يناير 2024 02:19 مساءً

Peel police are investigating 16 extortion attempts primarily targeting members of the South Asian business community — up from nine such attempts just two weeks ago.

The "disturbing trend" prompted police to announce the launch of a new hotline over the weekend.

The hotline follows last month's creation of a dedicated Extortion Investigative Task Force.

"Terrorizing our residents will not be tolerated," Chief Nishan Duraiappah said at the time.

In a news release, police say the extortionists often make contact through social media and know the victim's name, phone number, address and business information.

"Demands for money are made under threats of violence, which have occurred in some incidents," police said.

On Dec. 9, 2023, police arrested a 23-year-old man from Abbotsford, B.C., for allegedly discharging a gun and firing multiple rounds at a business near Rutherford Road S. and Clark Boulevard in Brampton.

Police advise against making payments if you're being extorted and instead to reach out to police.

The task force can be reached at (905) 453-2121, ext. 2133, while the hotline phone number is 1-866-966-0616.

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