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This therapist is creating an inclusive mixed martial arts studio in Prince George

This therapist is creating an inclusive mixed martial arts studio in Prince George
This therapist is creating an inclusive mixed martial arts studio in Prince George

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأحد 7 يناير 2024 09:22 صباحاً

At Connection Martial Arts, founder Nicole Sawin says they teach mixed martial arts through a trauma-informed approach, to meet people where their needs are.  (Nicole Sawin - image credit)

At Connection Martial Arts, founder Nicole Sawin says they teach mixed martial arts through a trauma-informed approach, to meet people where their needs are. (Nicole Sawin - image credit)

The founder of a mixed martial arts (MMA) studio in Prince George says she wants to introduce therapy and trauma-informed teaching methods for women, gender-diverse and neurodiverse people.

Nicole Sawin, founder of Connection Martial Arts, says access to an inclusive martial arts community has been lacking in the northern B.C. city.

"The mission of it is to reduce barriers … for folks who may otherwise be marginalized in mainstream gyms," said Sawin, a trained counsellor and martial arts instructor.

The gym began in her basement, says Sawin, after she saw many people — including women, LGBTQ, neurodiverse people and people struggling with mental health — take martial arts classes but struggle to connect or feel secure in regular gyms.

Sawin and researchers say while mixed and traditional martial arts are known for their use of aggression, there are mental and physical benefits when people are able to practice in a safe space.

"When you're hitting a bag … you feel powerful in your body. When you haven't felt powerful in your body, that can be very empowering," she said.

Growing up, Sawin says she had an unhealthy relationship with her body and exercise.

But discovering martial arts, she says, helped manage her struggle with eating disorders and mental health, and improved her overall well-being.

Nicole Sawin, founder of Connection Martial Arts, started the program after she saw a high turnover of women, LGBTQ, neurodiverse, and students with mental health struggles give up on martial arts after struggling to meld with mainstream gym spaces.

Nicole Sawin, founder of Connection Martial Arts, started the program after she saw a high turnover of women, LGBTQ, neurodiverse, and students with mental health struggles give up on martial arts after struggling to meld with mainstream gym spaces.

Nicole Sawin, founder of Connection Martial Arts, says she started the program after she saw a high turnover of people, including women, LGBTQ people, and neurodiverse people in mainstream gyms. (Nicole Sawin)

"That was probably the first time I felt safe in my body and grounded in it," she said, adding many therapists typically encourage trying out yoga.

"[Yoga] always left me feeling very dysregulated … When I found martial arts … I was able to actually feel powerful in my body."

She says her business started in 2023 with six members, and has expanded to nearly 50 members.

Story continues

An accessible space for everyone

Dean Dudley, associate professor of health and physical education at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, says MMA is an aggressive sport by nature and often perceived to be quite violent.

"It's a blood sport for the most part. So I find it really interesting that [Sawin is helping] people with a genuine interest in learning self defence and physical fitness."

In 2021, Dudley — along with researchers Brian Moore of Charles Sturt University in Bathurst, New South Wales, and Stuart Woodcock of Griffith University in Brisbane, Queensland — published a study investigating the mental health benefits of martial arts in Grade 7 students.

The study compared the feelings of confidence, well-being and resilience in students before and after a 10-week taekwondo program.

"We saw a really healthy, statistically significant improvement in all those parameters," he said, adding more research is needed to fully understand the impacts and benefits of martial arts.

Nicole Sawin says Connection Martial Arts started in her basement a few years ago and is now 50 members strong with a dedicated practice space.

Nicole Sawin says Connection Martial Arts started in her basement a few years ago and is now 50 members strong with a dedicated practice space.

Nicole Sawin says Connection Martial Arts started in her basement with six members — and is now 50 members strong, with a dedicated practice space. (Nicole Sawin)

At Connection Martial Arts, Sawin says the goal is to create a space that is accessible for anyone.

"A lot of intention goes into the physical environment, what the space looks like with pride and trans flags everywhere and to really manage the sensory feelings that overwhelm some of these spaces," she said.

Sawin adds the classes are conducted with the intention to break down the typical hierarchical structure in martial arts classes and to respect students' boundaries.

"I'm on the same level as everybody. I might facilitate the space but I'm not above anybody else," she said.

"I really try to get a good idea of the individual needs and goals of those folks coming in, so we can adjust and meet needs as fast as we can in the class."

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