Smithers, B.C., rallies in support of 2 boys seriously burned in New Year's Day explosion

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: السبت 6 يناير 2024 04:29 مساءً

Jordan Parker, left, and Micah Urban, right, suffered serious injuries after an explosion at a New Year's bonfire event just north of Smithers, B.C. (Submitted by the Parker family, Trina Boyd/GoFundMe - image credit)

Jordan Parker, left, and Micah Urban, right, suffered serious injuries after an explosion at a New Year's bonfire event just north of Smithers, B.C. (Submitted by the Parker family, Trina Boyd/GoFundMe - image credit)

The community of Smithers, B.C., is rallying to support two teenage boys and their families, after the boys suffered serious burns in a New Year's Day explosion just north of the town.

Jordan Parker, 15, and Micah Urban, 16, were among several people that suffered injuries at a bonfire event at the 4500 block of Henry Road just after midnight on Jan. 1.

Smithers RCMP said in a statement that around 30 to 40 people were gathered around the bonfire when an object was thrown on the open flame, resulting in an explosion. Everyone who was injured had to be hospitalized.

However, Parker and Urban suffered the most severe injuries, according to Evy McKay, a friend of the Parker family. Both boys have had to be transferred to Vancouver hospitals to get proper treatment.

Jordan Parker, second from right, is an avid snowboarder and skateboarder.

Jordan Parker, second from right, is an avid snowboarder and skateboarder.

Jordan Parker, second from right, is an avid snowboarder and skateboarder. (Submitted by the Parker family)

The explosion and the boys' injuries — which include second and third-degree burns — have sent shockwaves through the small northern B.C. community of about 5,000 people, about a 371-kilometre drive northwest of Prince George.

However, McKay says there has been an outpouring of support for the two, including more than $60,000 collectively raised through online fundraisers for both families.

"Both boys are taking everything in such amazing stride," she told CBC News. "They're taking it as best they can. They miss their friends, they're glad their families are with them."

McKay says people driving down to Vancouver from Smithers have offered to bring supplies for the families, who have had to take leave from work to be with the teenagers. A business in town is also auctioning off a fishing reel and rod to help raise money for the families.

Micah Urban, who stands 6 feet 8 inches tall, loves to play basketball, according to Evy McKay.

Micah Urban, who stands 6 feet 8 inches tall, loves to play basketball, according to Evy McKay.

Micah Urban, who stands 6 feet 8 inches tall, loves to play basketball, according to Evy McKay. (Submitted by Evy McKay)

Both boys are active in the community, with Parker an avid snowboarder and skateboarder, and Urban a star basketball player.

Story continues

Julie Krall, president of Smithers Secondary School, said the "traumatic event" has affected the entire school community.

"Our staff have known the students who were hurt," she said. "As well as all of our students who are impacted for many years and worked quite closely with them.

"As you can imagine, also in a small community, there's many family friends and friends of their own children involved."

Krall said counsellors were on hand in the town's schools to provide support for students and staff.

McKay says while it will take a while for kids at the event to recover emotionally, the school district's psychological supports were helping the town navigate the explosion's aftermath.

Smithers RCMP say they're looking for witnesses to come forward as they investigate the explosion. Anyone with more information is asked to call them at 250-847-3233.

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