Arab News اخبار العرب24-كندا

Trudeau introduces initiative to expand Great Bear Sea protected areas

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الثلاثاء 25 يونيو 2024 03:45 مساءً

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Elon Musk confirms arrival of 12th child

The tech billionaire has confirmed reports that he welcomed a new baby with Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis earlier this year, marking their third child together. Speaking to Page Six, the Tesla co-founder took issue with reports claiming he had kept the baby a secret. "As for 'secretly fathered,' that is also false," he stated. "All our friends and family know. Failure to issue a press release, which would be bizarre, does not mean 'secret.'" Musk and Zilis, who works for his brain implant company, have yet to disclose the name and sex of their new baby, or when it was born.

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