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Highway 7 in N.W.T. closed due to wildfire activity

Highway 7 in N.W.T. closed due to wildfire activity
Highway 7 in N.W.T. closed due to wildfire activity

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأحد 30 يونيو 2024 11:40 مساءً

Part of Highway 7 in the Northwest Territories has been closed because of "extreme" wildfire activity along the highway.

Wildfire FS008-24, which was previously under, has flared up due to hot, dry conditions and heavy winds over the weekend, according to N.W.T. Fire.

Highway 7 is closed between the Nahanni Butte access road and Checkpoint according to the N.W.T. Department of Infrastructure.

"The road will remain closed overnight, and ground crew will reassess by 10 a.m. on July 1," the department wrote in a 5 p.m. social media update.

The fire reached the west side of Highway 7 at kilometre 236 on Sunday and was 49 hectares in size as of the latest update from N.W.T. Fire.

"Our team continues to work to reduce the wildfire's intensity and manage it over the long term. We will work closely with highways staff to ensure safety in the area," N.W.T. Fire wrote in a 5 p.m. news release.

Highway conditions can change rapidly. N.W.T. Fire advised travellers to check the N.W.T. highway conditions map before planning a trip along the highway.

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