Gunshots fired in road rage incident in Richmond, B.C.

Gunshots fired in road rage incident in Richmond, B.C.
Gunshots fired in road rage incident in Richmond, B.C.

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الثلاثاء 2 يوليو 2024 06:32 مساءً

Police in Richmond, B.C., are seeking witnesses to a serious incidence of road rage in which a car passenger allegedly pulled out a gun and shot at the driver of a van.

Richmond RCMP say the driver of the van wasn't hit but was injured by shattered glass from the vehicle's window in the Friday evening shooting at the intersection of Alderbridge Way and Lansdowne Road.

Police say the victim was driving a white Mercedes van when a white Kia cut him off.

When the van driver pulled alongside the Kia and shouted at the driver, a person in the Kia's passenger seat took out a gun and started shooting, according to police.

The Kia was last seen heading east on Lansdowne Road.

"This was a reckless and brazen act which could have caused serious injury or worse to the victim or any pedestrian or motorist in the area," said media relations officer Adriana O'Malley.

O'Malley is advising drivers to be cautious about how they respond when another driver upsets them on the road.

"Try [to] not engage with the other driver because, unfortunately, you don't always know how that person is going to respond," she said.

Richmond RCMP want to speak to anyone who witnessed the shooting or who has dashcam footage of the area between 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

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