Arab News اخبار العرب24-كندا

Boil water order in effect for big chunk of Halifax Regional Municipality

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الاثنين 1 يوليو 2024 06:25 مساءً

Halifax Water says people living in Beaver Bank, Middle and Lower Sackville, Bedford, Halifax, Timberlea, Spryfield and Herring Cove should boil their water for at least one minute if they are consuming it or using it for food preparation.

In a news release, the utility said a power outage at the JD Kline (Pockwock) Lake Water Treatment Facility allowed a "limited amount of unchlorinated water to enter the system."

Halifax Water said staff are tracking the issue and working on ways to flush the untreated water out of the system.

The utility said water should be boiled under the following circumstances:

  • Drinking.

  • Preparing infant formula.

  • Making ice cubes or juices.

  • Washing fruits or vegetables.

  • Cooking.

  • Brushing teeth; or

  • Any other activity requiring human consumption.

The Pockwock facility, located in Upper Hammonds Plains, services 201,000 people in the Halifax Regional Municipality.

Halifax Water says residents can find out if their address is under a boil water order by using this interactive map.


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