Arab News اخبار العرب24-كندا

Trudeau reiterates government's commitment to national pharmacare plan

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الجمعة 24 مايو 2024 11:34 مساءً


'Thank God it stopped': N.S. bus driver recognized for averting potential tragedy

Terrie Brown had just entered Highway 102 near Bedford, N.S., last week and was getting close to the speed limit when he noticed a tractor-trailer crash through the guardrail above on Highway 101.Brown, who has been a bus driver for nine years, had just left Rocky Lake Junior High with 23 students. He managed to stop the bus in time, dodging what could have been a tragedy."I was hard on the brakes trying to get the bus stopped and thank God it stopped," Brown told reporters on Friday."I mean, I

تم ادراج الخبر والعهده على المصدر، الرجاء الكتابة الينا لاي توضبح - برجاء اخبارنا بريديا عن خروقات لحقوق النشر للغير

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