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Thunderstorm threat persists across Alberta heading into the workweek

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأحد 12 مايو 2024 10:08 صباحاً

A warm and stormy weekend continues on the Prairies as we shift our focus to Alberta and Saskatchewan for a renewed thunderstorm threat.

Scattered storms built in the heat of the day on Saturday, especially in southern Manitoba where afternoon temperatures pushed close to the 30-degree mark. Now, as the weekend closes and the workweek begins, Alberta will be the centre of attention for Sunday's thunderstorms.

Stay close to safe shelter on Sunday if you’ve got outdoor plans when storms are in the forecast. Remember to plan ahead and be weather-aware.

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Storm threat centres over Alberta on Sunday

An approaching mid-level trough and converging winds at the foothills will work together to spark thunderstorms during the late afternoon hours on Sunday, potentially reaching severe levels in some areas.

The strongest storms that bubble up on Sunday could produce large hail, gusty winds, heavy rain, and frequent lightning. Powerful updrafts from the largest storms could even produce 2-3 cm diameter hailstones, which could damage crops and other property.

Alberta Sunday storm risk map May 12 2024

Upper-level winds will likely push storms toward the southeast, bringing a storm risk into Calgary by Sunday evening, although the storms are unlikely to be very fast-moving.

Smoke from the ongoing wildfires in northeastern British Columbia may throw a wrench in forecast, however. The smoke acts as a filter, blocking out some of the Sun's radiant energy, and may delay or even suppress thunderstorm activity.

Alberta Sunday evening precipitation forecast May 12 2024

Air quality in Edmonton and Calgary, Alta. was reported to be poor as of Sunday morning due to these wildfires. Remember to limit time outdoors when air quality is poor, as it can have adverse effects on health -- especially for young children and elderly people.

Storm threat also pushes into Saskatchewan Monday

The same trough driving Sunday's storm risk will drift east on Monday, pushing the storm threat into southern Alberta as well as southern Saskatchewan. Here, high surface energy will be available to feed new storm development Monday afternoon and evening. Once again, though, lingering wildfire smoke could limit some of the activity.

Alberta and Sask Monday storm risk map May 12 2024

The main threats with these scattered thunderstorms will be frequent lightning, gusty winds, and large hail.

Heavy rains could also create a risk for localized flooding, especially in and around Medicine Hat, Alta., where they recently had their rainiest day in May history.

All of this additional rainfall is good news for the region’s long-running drought as we inch closer to the heart of wildfire season. The latest update of the drought monitor continues to show the vast majority of the Prairies mired in a moderate drought or worse as of April 30.

Prairies Drought Monitor April 30, 2024

This update doesn’t include the rain we saw during the first week of May, so there’s likely been some further improvement across southern Alberta and southern Saskatchewan.

Severe drought remains widespread throughout the northern Prairies, with some relief possibly in sight by the end of next week.

Stay with The Weather Network for all the latest on your forecast across the Prairies.

WATCH: Once-in-a-lifetime auroras wow Canada on Friday night

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