Arab News اخبار العرب24-كندا

Vancouver Island, tracking snowfall and arctic air across the area

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأربعاء 10 يناير 2024 10:33 مساءً

Local Journalism Initiative

1 woman is helping to make nature accessible in Victoria

With its breathtaking landscapes, lush rainforests, rugged coastline, and endless trails, Vancouver Island is an irresistible draw for outdoor enthusiasts. In the CRD alone, one can enjoy a multitude of outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, fishing, walking, kayaking, and mountain biking but the outdoor experience people cherish so much can be seriously curtailed if you are disabled. Despite the region's stunning natural landscapes, the lack of universally accessible infrastructure poses a

تم ادراج الخبر والعهده على المصدر، الرجاء الكتابة الينا لاي توضبح - برجاء اخبارنا بريديا عن خروقات لحقوق النشر للغير

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