Arab News اخبار العرب24-كندا

St. John's hotel to be turned into transition housing, 140 rooms dedicated to homelessness

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الاثنين 8 يناير 2024 09:00 صباحاً

The Comfort Hotel by St. John's International Airport is transitioning into a supportive housing facility, with the goal of helping people move from homelessness into temporary accommodations and onto permanent housing. (Maurice Fitzgerald/ - image credit)

The Comfort Hotel near St. John's International Airport is being converted into a transitional housing facility, with 140 rooms dedicated to supporting people experiencing homelessness.

Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation made the announcement on Monday morning, calling it a partnership with N.L. Health Services and Clayton Hospitality, the hotel's owner.

The hotel will turn into temporary accommodations with wraparound support services, according to a news release, and help people transition into permanent housing.

"This transitional supportive housing initiative is another example of how, in working with dedicated community partners, we can find creative solutions to addressing homelessness," said Housing Minister Paul Pike in a written statement.

The Comfort Hotel — which had long operated as the Airport Inn — is expected to begin accepting temporary residents in March.

Homelessness has skyrocketed in Newfoundland and Labrador since the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving municipal and provincial governments struggling to keep up. The province has announced several medium- and long-term initiatives to increase the number of shelter beds and social housing units, but has faced criticism for lacking immediate solutions.

This one could have people out of the cold before the end of the winter.

"While we recognize there is no one quick solution that will address the complex issues surrounding homelessness, this represents one more opportunity for individuals to have a safe, warm, transitional supportive living arrangement," John Abbott, MHA for St. John's East-Quidi Vidi and a former housing minister, said Monday.

Abbott — who is part of the province's task force on homelessness — said they'll continue working with people living in a tent encampment behind the Colonial Building in St. John's to get them into safe accommodations as soon as possible.

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