Arab News اخبار العرب24-كندا

Ukraine: Kyiv hits Crimea military base, deadly Russian shelling in Donetsk, North Korean missiles

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأحد 7 يناير 2024 06:15 صباحاً


North Korea vows military strike if any provocation, fires artillery rounds

SEOUL (Reuters) -North Korea will launch a military strike immediately in response to any provocation, Kim Yo Jong, the sister and key ally of leader Kim Jong Un, said on Sunday, as it fired artillery shells near its border with the South for the third day in a row. The remarks come after South Korea's military said the North had fired more than 60 artillery rounds on Saturday near their disputed maritime border, following a similar volley of more than 200 the previous day. North Korea again fired more than 90 rounds on Sunday, according to the South.

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