This homeless woman is spending her first winter on the streets in Saskatoon

This homeless woman is spending her first winter on the streets in Saskatoon
This homeless woman is spending her first winter on the streets in Saskatoon

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الخميس 12 ديسمبر 2024 08:16 مساءً


Number of homeless people counted in Saskatoon nearly triples

The latest count of homeless people in Saskatoon shows a significant increase over the last one, done two years ago.The point-in-time count, conducted by volunteers on Oct. 8, identified 1,499 people experiencing homelessness that day. That's nearly three times higher than the 2022 count, which identified 550."The results of this count represent the minimum number of individuals experiencing unsheltered and sheltered homelessness in Saskatoon," Lesley Anderson, director of planning and developme

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