Arab News اخبار العرب24-كندا

Waterloo city councillor struck by fireworks shot at her on Canada Day

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الثلاثاء 2 يوليو 2024 06:39 مساءً

The Canadian Press

On Quebec's traditional moving day, hundreds of renters are still looking for a home

MONTREAL — It’s moving day in Quebec, and Mario Lortie is leaving his apartment of 27 years. It’s not by choice. His new landlords, who recently bought the Montreal duplex where he lives, want to convert the building into a single home, so Lortie got the boot. The problem is he has nowhere to go. The 62-year-old former social worker lives on welfare due to health problems, and was paying just $535 a month in rent. After a fruitless search for another apartment he could afford, Lortie turned to a

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