Arab News اخبار العرب24-كندا

Multi-day storm chance builds in Ontario

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأحد 26 مايو 2024 06:51 مساءً


Hairs from Alberta grizzly bears offer insight into survival of species

At secluded sites across Alberta this summer, grizzly bears — enticed by the perfume of fresh berries, molasses, rancid fish or cow's blood — will wander into corrals hemmed with barbed wire.Known as hair-snag sites, the scent lures are part of a new, long-term study monitoring the health of grizzly bears in the province.The traps are designed to capture hair from each passing bear, helping conservationists better track Alberta's fragile populations of the giant, solitary predators.At each site,

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