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Pedestrian dead after train collision in downtown Moncton

Pedestrian dead after train collision in downtown Moncton
Pedestrian dead after train collision in downtown Moncton

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الاثنين 1 يوليو 2024 08:37 صباحاً

A pedestrian is dead after being hit by a train early Monday morning in Moncton, according to Codiac RCMP.

Staff Sgt. Stéfane Paré-Lemire said RCMP received a call shortly after 6 a.m. about a collision between a train and a pedestrian on St. George Street in the downtown area.

RCMP, firefighters, paramedics and a coroner all responded. Several streets are closed off, and the train remains on scene.

The road closures, which span Victoria Street from Lutz to Church, Robinson Street from Queen to St. George and both intersections of Church and Lutz streets and St. George and Church streets, will continue until CN police have a chance to examine the scene and remove the train.

"They'll determine if their equipment was working properly," Paré-Lemire said.

He said it's too early to say how the collision happened. RCMP are looking for camera footage to help with their investigation.

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