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2 Fredericton students get eye-opening St. John River job helping to keep it clean

2 Fredericton students get eye-opening St. John River job helping to keep it clean
2 Fredericton students get eye-opening St. John River job helping to keep it clean

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الأحد 30 يونيو 2024 06:30 صباحاً

This summer in the Fredericton area, you might spot two students paddling along the St. John River — also known as the Wolastoq — and its tributaries.

But they aren't just out there for fun. It's their job.

Madeline Hodgson and Benjamin Linnansaari are the first holders of a new summer position with the City of Fredericton.

The two are being referred to as "river keepers" and will spend the summer cleaning up garbage in the river and along the boat launches, as well as taking pictures of some of the sites they visit.

"I think this is a very rewarding kind of job and opportunity,"  Hodgson said.

"I'm kind of interested in photography and I think it's great to be able to show people what we have accessible."

I think it's really important to try and keep everything as clean as possible for wildlife to flourish. - Madeline Hodgson, City of Fredericton river keeper

She said the job also involves encouraging good water etiquette, so the pair have been talking to boaters and kayakers who are out on the water.

Linnansaari said the work is important because it will help to attract more tourists to the area and to keep the river healthy.

"Personally, in my free time, I love being on the water, and I think it should be something everybody should be able to enjoy," he said.

Neil Trebble, the trails foreperson for Fredericton, said the positions were created so there would be people always looking after the river, whether it be picking up debris or ensuring there are garbage cans at the boat launches.

He said the students took a paddling course in recent weeks and each morning, the team will meet and come up with a plan for the day. He said if the weather isn't co-operative, other work always needs doing along the river.

Neil Trebble, the trails foreperson for the City of Fredericton, said the students took a paddling course and each morning, the team will meet and plan the day. (Prapti Bamaniya/CBC)

"I think that these rivers that we have, we want to keep them healthy, and I think it's a great opportunity to bring people together and to enjoy the water and take care of them," said Trebble.

The job will also include identifying potential new canoe and kayak launch spots.

The positions will likely end in September, he said, since the current jobholders will be going to university in the fall.

Before then, Hodgson said, she hopes to continue providing a clean space for people to enjoy, while also learning more about invasive species and the biggest threats to the river and its wildlife.

"It's been very eye opening … how much wildlife you see on the water, and just how significant you know, a little bit of garbage or trash or anything can kind of impact how they live around here," she said.

"I think it's really important to try and keep everything as clean as possible for wildlife to flourish."

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