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Yellowknife RCMP charge woman with aggravated assault on infant

Yellowknife RCMP charge woman with aggravated assault on infant
Yellowknife RCMP charge woman with aggravated assault on infant

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الاثنين 24 يونيو 2024 06:52 مساءً

A woman has been charged with aggravated assault after an infant was admitted to the hospital in Yellowknife with "life-altering injuries"

The incident was first reported on April 24, say N.W.T. RCMP, when the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority told police that an injured infant had been admitted to hospital.

RCMP said the infant was seen at Stanton Territorial Hospital and had "life-altering injuries of a suspicious nature."

The infant was transported to a hospital in Edmonton for further treatment, they added.

Police say they launched an investigation in partnership with the Health and Social Services Authority and the Child and Adolescent Protection Centre in Edmonton.

"While that investigation was taking place, police learned that the accused had also assaulted a toddler, although the injuries were less severe," RCMP said.

On June 17, police arrested and charged a 41-year-old woman, who police have not identified, with assault and aggravated assault.

She then appeared before a justice of the peace, RCMP say, and has since been released but is set to appear in territorial court in Yellowknife at a later date.

The RCMP is asking anyone with information about the incident to contact the Yellowknife detachment or Crime Stoppers.

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