Broken sewer main floods streets in Vancouver's Olympic Village

Broken sewer main floods streets in Vancouver's Olympic Village
Broken sewer main floods streets in Vancouver's Olympic Village

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الخميس 20 يونيو 2024 03:47 مساءً

A leak caused by a broken sewer main in Vancouver's Olympic Village is now under control after it flooded streets Thursday morning.

The Metro Vancouver Regional District wrote on social media earlier this morning that crews were on site at Columbia Street and West 2nd Avenue to repair the sewer, and that traffic was being affected.

Several inches of effluent could be seen pooling on the roads.

Metro Vancouver provided a later update that repair work was contained to the block of Columbia between 2nd and 1st Avenues.

The leak is now under control, Metro Vancouver said.

"We will continue work on site today to make sure the issue is addressed," the regional district wrote on X.

The City of Vancouver said Metro Vancouver was notified of the sewer main issue after it was determined that it was not city infrastructure.

"City crews remain on standby to support Metro Vancouver crews as needed. Our partners at Vancouver Coastal Health have also been informed," the city said in an email.

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