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Calgary water main break: Framework for third-party review into original failure already established

Calgary water main break: Framework for third-party review into original failure already established
Calgary water main break: Framework for third-party review into original failure already established

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الثلاثاء 18 يونيو 2024 03:16 مساءً

In a Tuesday morning update on Calgary’s water main break, Mayor Jyoti Gondek said that the city was “well-below the threshold for usage” and “well-within the range of water required for storage on a regular basis.” Regarding a third-party incident review of the broken pipe, Calgary chief administrative officer David Duckworth said the framework has “already been established” and that the scope of this review will “include, but not be limited to" understanding the factors that contributed to the original pipe failure.

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