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Sentencing to begin for B.C. man who murdered 13-year-old girl

Sentencing to begin for B.C. man who murdered 13-year-old girl
Sentencing to begin for B.C. man who murdered 13-year-old girl

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الجمعة 7 يونيو 2024 06:49 مساءً

A B.C. Supreme Court judge will begin hearing arguments Friday in the sentencing of a man who was convicted of first-degree murder in the 2017 death of a 13-year-old Burnaby girl.

Ibrahim Ali faces a mandatory life sentence with no chance of parole for 25 years for killing the girl, whose name is protected by a publication ban.

Ali was convicted by a jury last December at the end of a lengthy trial that saw adjournments for reasons including the death of an expert witness, Ali's mental and physical health and allegations the victim's father brought a loaded gun to court.

According to the trial proceedings, the victim was on a trail in Burnaby's Central Park, likely wearing earbuds, when she was attacked, dragged into the woods, sexually assaulted and strangled.

The jury heard from almost 50 Crown witnesses, including police, civilians and experts. The defence did not call any evidence.

Ali was arrested in 2018 after investigators ran a complicated sting operation to identify whose DNA was found on the girl's body. He has been in custody ever since.

Prosecutors have said members of the girl's family will be giving victim impact statements during the sentencing hearing and that some would need time to travel from China to Vancouver.

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