أخبار عاجلة

About 150 dead trout, juvenile salmon found in eastern P.E.I. river

About 150 dead trout, juvenile salmon found in eastern P.E.I. river
About 150 dead trout, juvenile salmon found in eastern P.E.I. river

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الجمعة 7 يونيو 2024 03:59 مساءً

Staff from two P.E.I. government departments were gathering information from the Cardigan River Friday afternoon after finding about 150 dead fish in the area.

A news release from the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action said officials and conservation officers were on the scene near the 48 Road in Cardigan.

"As of 3 p.m. on June 7, provincial officials have collected approximately 150 dead fish including brook trout, rainbow trout and some juvenile salmon," the news release said.

"They are gathering water temperature and dissolved oxygen readings, and they have collected samples which will be analyzed at the Atlantic Veterinary College and the Environment Canada lab in Moncton."

The province was alerted to dead trout in the area where the Cardigan River crosses 48 Road on Friday morning.

"This event remains under investigation and updates will be provided as more information becomes available."

Water undergoing an anoxic event might be green or milky white and smell like turnips.

Water undergoing an anoxic event might be green or milky white and smell like turnips. (Submitted by P.E.I. Department of Environment, Water and Climate Change)

Fish kills can happen for a variety of reasons.

When sunshine heats up shallow river water, its oxygen level can drop dramatically — in some cases to the point where fish can't survive.

Other fish kills can be caused by algal blooms, droughts, infectious diseases, or heavy rain washing silt into a shallow water system, possibly accompanied by traces of agricultural or industrial chemicals.

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