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Conditional discharge for Mountie who pointed gun at a woman while off duty

Conditional discharge for Mountie who pointed gun at a woman while off duty
Conditional discharge for Mountie who pointed gun at a woman while off duty

اخبار العرب-كندا 24: الثلاثاء 4 يونيو 2024 05:04 مساءً

An RCMP officer has been given a conditional discharge and 12 months probation for pointing his police firearm at a woman while off duty.

Michael Wheeler will also perform 100 hours of community service.

Wheeler was at a social gathering consuming alcohol when the incident happened on Bell Island back in 2018.

During a sentencing hearing at provincial court in St. John's Tuesday afternoon, Justice Sandra Chaytor said there was "substantial risk of serious injury."

The judge said she didn't believe he had remorse for what happened.

Mitigating factors included Wheeler's diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder related to his time in law enforcement, and his status as a first-time offender.

The judge added that his record as a police officer was otherwise exemplary, and included past recognition for saving lives.

Chaytor also noted the significant publicity generated by the case.

"He has fallen far in the eyes of the community," the judge said during sentencing.

She referenced a defence submission saying that Wheeler had gone from a "dedicated hero to zero."

The Crown had asked for jail time; the defence, for an absolute discharge.

A conditional discharge means that there has been a finding of guilt, but no conviction registered.

The court heard that Wheeler is currently suspended without pay from the Mounties.

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